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Premium Grade Hemp, CBD, and Delta-8.

We take pride to inspire the community we serve. We are on a mission fueled by passion to elevate and educate our consumers at any point in their journey.


A safe and healthy way to use hemp.

Delta-8 THC, is a legal cannabinoid extracted from hemp. Even though it does cause a high, like the THC in the name might suggest, it doesn’t have the same intensity that delta-9 THC which can be the cause of negative symptoms in some individuals. Like other cannabinoids, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system – specifically the CB1 receptor of the nervous system – to produce a psychotropic effect. Delta-8-THC interacts with the nervous system similarly to Delta-9-THC to produce feelings of euphoria and uplifted mood as well as feelings of calmness and relaxation. Delta-8-THC also has antiemetic (anti-nausea), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), orexigenic (appetite stimulant), analgesic (pain relieving), and neuroprotective properties.


Improved and level high

Our products deliver you an enjoyable, upbeat and functional buzz.

Extensive health benefits

Neuroprotective properties have been proven to promote a healthier brain.

Derrived From Hemp

Delta-8 is found in hemp naturally, but is also converted from CBD.

No Anxiety or paranoia

Delta-8-THC tends to exhibit a lower psychotropic potency than Delta-9-THC.

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what they are saying

I have suffered from anxiety and insomnia for a long time. The use of the Delta-8 gummies at night leaves me feeling relaxed and ready for bed without any paranoia.

Michele M

The vape is next level. The flavor is nice, the high is totally even and there is no lingering smell. I bring it with me everywhere I go for small puffs throughout the day. IN LOVE!

Alex C

If you are ready to simply relax, kick back and just let your mind unwind after a busy day, then these Delta-8 gummies are for you. Keeps me mellow.

Thomas J